Thursday, May 1, 2008

If a five digit number is input through the keyboard, write a program to calculate the sum of its digits. (Hints : Use the modulus operator ‘%’)

# SS4

# Calculates sum of digits of a five digit number

# Usage: SS4

echo Enter any five digit number

read num

d1=‘expr $num % 10‘

num=‘expr $num / 10‘

d2=‘expr $num % 10‘

num=‘expr $num / 10‘

d3=‘expr $num % 10‘

num=‘expr $num / 10‘

d4=‘expr $num % 10‘

num=‘expr $num / 10‘

d5=‘expr $num % 10‘

sum=‘expr $d1 + $d2 + $d3 + $d4 + $d5‘

echo Sum of digits = $sum

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